The spirit of art never dies even in the midst of the pandemic.
I was really touched when Mads Milano contacted me via my instagram @artbystellachang and inviting me to participate in their projection based exhibition. I'm telling you, when there's a will there's a way.
Instead of shutting down due to the pandemic, they put up this f.a.b.u.l.o.u.s show in the darkroom with I don't even know how many projectors and monitors. Honestly, after receiving so many emails from long standing galleries telling me that they are either shutting their doors, or postponing upcoming shows due to the pandemic ( and BTW, submission refund is not possible), Mads Milano's ingenious solution is a fresh air.
Thank you for keeping the artistic spirit going and thank you for accepting my artwork Look At Me. Special thanks to Giorgia Massari for being the consummate professional guiding me through the process!
When life gives you lemons, you gotta learn how to make the lemonade with brown sugar and all :)
Click on below image to watch Giorgia introducing my artwork Look At Me: